Kent Graduate Programme

Are you looking to kick-start your career in the public sector? Made in Kent

Whether it’s social care, education, transport or strategic planning, our focus is on improving lives. We want to ensure every pound spent in the county delivers better outcomes for our residents, communities and businesses. If you have a 2:2 degree or equivalent, join our fast-track graduate programme and be part of it. We’ll help you achieve your ambitions as you help us achieve ours.

Our graduate roles typically last for 2 to 3 years and are underpinned by an apprenticeship programme so you will learn and gain in depth knowledge of your chosen profession on-the-job.

We are a flexible employer and offer hybrid working with opportunities to work flexibly from home and from one of our offices in Kent. Read more about the many benefits of working for us.

If you’d like us to let you know when we're recruiting, register your interest in the Kent Graduate Programme.

Major capital programme stream

This stream is an exciting opportunity to grow your career in project and programme management in the public sector. It is ideal for a graduate with a keen interest in programme management who is set up for the challenge of working in a fast-paced team to deliver major highway infrastructure. Applications close on 2 August 2024.

Find out more about the major capital programme stream

We are one of the top 50 companies for graduates

The JobCrowd rates the best UK businesses for graduate employment. We have been ranked in the top 50 for our opportunities for career progression, our training schemes and the work life balance we provide our employees and top in the charity, education and public sector category.

  • The Job Crowd top company for graduates to work for 2022/23 logo.
  • Winner - Job Crowd top company for graduates to work for 2022/23. Charity, education and public sector.