Guide to apprenticeships

Be an apprentice. Made in Kent

Careers advice and information

Think about the job or career you might want to pursue - find out where you can get careers advice and information about different types of jobs.

Once you've got a job or career path in mind, the next step is to make sure an apprenticeship is the right way of getting there - find out about the other options available at 16. Call us to get information.

Types of apprenticeship

There are 3 different levels of apprenticeship, so you need find the right one for you

Intermediate apprenticeships (GCSE equivalent)

The right choice to get the skills and work experience you need to start a great career. This will give you the opportunity to progress to higher level qualifications.

Advanced apprenticeships (A-Level equivalent)

The right choice to get you into more supervisory level positions. Normally the minimum required for most jobs in engineering and science disciplines.

Higher apprenticeships (university equivalent)

The right choice to take you into specialist technical roles and senior management, often years ahead of those who have gone to university.

What's on offer

The easiest way of doing this is to look for apprenticeships that are currently being advertised.

Search on the Kent Choices website

Each advert will usually tell you:

  • about the job you will be doing
  • a bit about who you will be working for - your employer
  • who the learning or training provider is
  • the skills and qualifications you need to apply
  • how long the apprenticeship lasts
  • what the working hours are and how much you get paid
  • the qualification you will get at the end of the apprenticeship.

Training providers

Each apprenticeship has a training provider. You will be training on the job while you are working, but you may have to have off the job training days and assessments. You should find out who the training provider is and what is involved.


When you're ready to apply there's information on the National Careers Service website to help create your CV and prepare for an interview.

After your interview

If you are successful and accept the apprenticeship you will have an agreement with the employer to start the apprenticeship.

If you're not successful you can ask for feedback from your interview and look for other apprenticeship vacancies or consider other learning and training opportunities.