
Salary scales or ranges determine the level of pay for each job at Kent County Council. The scale or range usually has a range of pay with a minimum and maximum salary.

All employees will be paid on a salary scale or range which is appropriate to their grade, accountabilities, responsibilities and their profession.

This pay scale is effective from 1 April 2024.

Salary scale Minimum salary Maximum salary
KR 3 £23,337 £23,337
KR 4 £23,338 £23,921
KR 5 £24,040 £25,002
KR 6 £25,127 £26,383
KR 7 £26,515 £28,850
KR 8 £28,995 £32,769
KR 9 £32,933 £37,188
KR 10 £37,374 £43,592
KR 11 £43,810 £49,989
KR 12 £50,239 £58,491
KR 13 £58,784 £65,480
KR 14 £65,807£74,058
KR 15 £74,428 £84,116
KR 16 £84,537 £106,125
KR 17 £105,542 £125,513
KR 18 £133,142 £157,128
KR 19 £158,928 £204,000
KR 20 £216,400 £239,859

Read our Pay Policy statement

Read our Apprenticeship Levy report (PDF, 249.8 KB)

Changes to pay and progression from 1 April

From 1 April, we are introducing a new pay scale with new grade names (for example instead of KR3, KR4, KR5, the grades will be KSA, KSB, KSC).

Apart from KSA and KSB, which will have a single salary, there will be a pay range for each grade with a minimum and maximum salary. Some grades will also have middle points which supports our new approach to progression through the pay grade.

We will publish the salary values for the new pay scale when they are available.

If you start working for us before 1 April, your KR grade will be realigned to the new KS pay grades from 1 April 2025.

Gender pay gap and equal pay

The gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly wage of all men and women across a workforce but we remain of the view it is a flawed calculation of the gender differences within an organisation. At Kent County Council we employ more women than men – at all grades. The table shows the percentage of male and female staff employed in each band of grades.

Salary band% of males employed% of females employed
Lower quartile19%81%
Lower middle quartile15%85%
Upper middle quartile22%78%
Upper quartile29%71%

In addition to these figures, 60% of our Senior Leadership Team (staff on grade KR13 and above or with a salary of at least £58,784 from April 2024) are women but the fact that over 80% of our mid to lower grade roles are carried out by women drives our gender pay gap figure up.

Read more about our senior staff, their grades, roles and responsibilities:

A more useful measurement of gender equality is equal pay – paying men and women the same for doing the same job – which Kent County Council does.

Our gender pay gap is 13.8%. As explained above, this measurement tells us nothing about actual equal pay at Kent County Council.

Gender pay gap statements