Person specification for the Independent Member of the Governance and Audit Committee

We operate a Governance and Audit Committee that is accountable directly to Council. Its role is to provide independent and high-level focus on the adequacy of governance, risk, finance, and control arrangements of the council.

Read the terms of reference for the Governance and Audit Committee

It operates with due regard to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy's (CIPFA) good practice guidance and Position Statements last updated in 2022.

Duties, responsibilities and time commitment

  • To attend Governance and Audit Committee meetings as and when required. The committee normally meets at least 6 times a year (January, March, May, July, September, October, November); however, the number of meetings will vary depending on business need. The committee meets during the day, normally starting at 10am. Meetings last 2 to 3 hours (but may be longer on occasion) and you would also need to allow for some preparation time. Meetings are held in person in County Hall, Maidstone.
  • There are minimum mandatory training requirements for elected members of the committee and it is expected that the Independent Member will attend the same or equivalent training.
  • To attend other training events as required, some of which are held prior to the start of each meeting, or online.
  • To actively promote good governance, risk management and control in the delivery of the council's functions.
  • To be an independent source of support for council’s Governance and Audit Committee providing independent challenge and scrutiny in response to reports presented to it.
  • To behave in accordance with the council’s constitution.
  • Co-opted members are subject to the Kent Code of Members Conduct.

Knowledge and skills

You will ideally have:

  • extensive experience of working with or being a member of an audit committee.
  • a financial or audit type background and appropriate experience of financial management.
  • a good understanding of governance, risk management and control.
  • integrity, objectivity, discretion, and the ability to make decisions.
  • an ability to analyse complex information, question, probe and seek clarification so to come to an independent and unbiased view.
  • experience of working in or with large, complex organisations with an understanding of the political environment that local authorities operate within,
  • good interpersonal and communication skills.

Council connections

You should not:

  • have been a member or employee of the council at any time during the last 2 years.
  • be a relative or close friend of a member or officer of the council.
  • be engaged in any party political activity.
  • have any criminal convictions or be an un-discharged bankrupt.
  • have any significant business dealings with the council.

Pay and expenses

This is an unpaid role but you'll be able to claim up to £1,500 each year for expenses.